Декабрь 22, 2020


Демо-версия Fight for Freedom уже доступна!

Hello, guys! Christmas is on us, and Santa is very busy sorting out all of his presents to deliver them on time, especially when the pandemic is disrupting air transport and logistics. Yet, you should not worrywe have approached Santa beforehand and arranged a timely delivery of Christmas gifts to all of our players in advance.

Бесплатная демонстрация

Санта предлагает всем сыграть в бесплатную демоверсию Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom с сегодняшнего дня и желает всем счастливого Рождества.

Where is the demo?

Вы можете найти и скачать демоверсию на Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom store page.

What is the state of the Demo?

This is an early Demo that will later be updated to better represent the final game. Currently, it has the first operation of the British campaign, which is fully playable. It misses VO, has only ENG/RU text localization (DE, CN, FRUI only), and does not contain new skills, and HQ skills. It also could miss some visual elements. Overall, it provides a stable and solid experience.

Will save files from the Demo be compatible with the Full version later on?

We plan to have the save files compatible so that you can continue playing the Full version starting from 2nd operation and keep your troops and progression. Yet, there is a small chance that the compatibility would be lost due to some unforeseen changes.

Здесь вы можете помочь Санте собрать список желаний для рождественского подарка команде Starni Games..

С Рождеством и Новым годом 🎄